Conversations with my unborn Baby

These letters were written for my baby when he was happily growing within me...I loved re-reading them today!It brought back unexplainable memories!

You seem to be growing peacefully,your quiet a big baby says our doc,weighing all of 1.7kgs at 31 weeks:)
Just about 48 more days (or maybe even less) until i a)hold you b)watch u in total awe as you screw up my sleep c)LOVE YOU and strive to be a good Mommy.

I have heard of miracles all my life.I have watched people explain with plain joy about that one miracle that changed their life forever.I am sure you will keep hearing such things all your life too.I cringed each time i heard about one such story but simply waited for my turn.

From the second your Dad and I learnt you were growing inside me we knew we were getting closer to our own lil miracle.Along with you grew our faith in life.It all seemed to fall into place like in a nano second.

You will probably hear this from me all your life but I still want to say it now – ‘There was no one like you and there will be no one like you in the big sweet world.-EVER!You are our own lil miracle and you are so so special,beyond what my limited vocabulary can ever express.

Your Dad and I are counting down the remaining 48 days…one by one..waiting for you to unfold before our eyes…waiting for our own miracle to unfold…


This very moment i feel blessed and I am thankful for my lil baby that’s growing inside of my womb as I sit here typing this piece.I feel so overwhelmed as i think that I am going to be looking into her/his eyes in a matter of 2/3 weeks.I am completely amazed,that it has come to that already!
How did the time go so quickly? It seems like just yesterday that I was in my bathroom,shocked,happy,and in tears staring in utter disbelief at the positive pregnancy test, feeling too many things at the same time ,that it did finally happen…It seems just yesterday, I first saw my tiny little baby on the ultrasound, looking like an ‘ant version’ of a lil baby.I used to imagine I was never going to get out of the first trimester safely and get into that “safety zone” and now I’m just a few weeks away from delivery.The moment I’ve waited for so so long is going to be here before I know it,and i can help but think about it every living moment now!

My lil baby….Thank you again for choosing me to be your Amma. Thank you for staying with me, for growing big and healthy from that lil cell to the baby now,you have come a long way already and you have made your amma feel so so happy. I cherish every bump, every kick and every flutter that you have given me and continue to. Even at times when you dig your little feet into my ribs and I yell out in pain and scowl at that moment,you know how much I love it. I love to think about you; to imagine what you’re going to look like(I have you all pictured,im just waiting to see you in real!!). I spend many moments dreaming about your personality, about what your likes and dislikes will be,and i dream of the days when you and ‘sunshine’ jump around me,i imagine the sundays your Appa is gonna take you out for his crickets games,and I am just waiting for the day you are going to tell your Dad -’Appa,i dont like that game’;).

I love you just doesnt seem enough.It takes my breath away to think about how much richer our life will become with you in it… Because it’s already been enriched so much just by your kicks and nudges and your lil heart beating. Today – and every day of my living moment – sweetheart, I am thankful for you.

Ps: I did not know the sex of the baby when i wrote these letters.


  1. awesome, just feeling the same way as u do...

  2. Congrats to you 1st,because at least you got an idea of writing a beautiful letter to your wonderful baby...very gud feeling.

  3. thanku so much!!It means a lot to hear from you!


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